Authors |
Shchanina Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The goal of the work is to classify types of social behavior of elderly people in the modern Russian society and to reveal sociocultural factors that influence the formation of social behavior types and the choice of social strategies by the elderly.
Materials and methods. The methodology consisted of a sociocultural approach based on analyzing social and cultural manifestations of social behavior and selfestimating the social status by elderly people (through their estimation of social feelings and opportunities for social interaction both with social institutions and rep- resentative of other socials statuses). The main research methods were questionnaires and comparing of the results thereof.
Results. On the basis of surveys among elderly people (п = 294 people, 2014) the author analyzes the marked indicators of social feeling, evaluation of the change of their social status, possibilities of changes in family relations and choosing (forming) strategies of social behavior of the elderly.
Conclusions. The author points out a number of conditional groups amoung the surveyed elderly people, which are characteristic of the general population as they describe social behavior and opportunities for social adaptation of the elderly in the modern Russian society: rather successfully adapted, their strategy – active social behaviour; people with high probability of successful adaptation, but still in the process of social adaptation, their strategy – aspiration for active social behaviour; people with low probability of successful adaptation requiring outside permanent assistance, their strategy – passive and partly asocial behavior; unadapted ones, who typically chose only a passive social strategy and mostly asocial behaviour.
Key words |
elderly person, adaptation, social feeling, strategy, sociocultural approach, social behaviour
References |
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